poniedziałek, 24 listopada 2014



SMITE is a MOBA type free online RPG developed and published by Hi-Rez Studios. In terms of gameplay, it is similar to League of Legends or Land of Chaos Online. SMITE takes place in a mythological world that blends in aspects from several mythologies mostly Greek and Norse.

The stat system tends to focus on what other games may consider secondary stats like attack damage or ability power and not the straight forward Strength or Agility main stats like in DOTA. This is convenient especially for new players because they can determine exactly what a stat does for their character without the need for theory crafting. The downside is that it makes the character stat system a bit complicated.

In SMITE your character is a god inspired by real mythology and all your skills and abilities are named accordingly. At the moment there are 13 SMITE characters to choose from and 5v5 matches. The winning condition in SMITE is to defeat the enemy base. You will find out that the enemy base strikes back when it’s under siege. It’s actually a Minotaur. Your SMITE character will gain gold when killing a monster or standing nearby when a mob dies or by helping other players. That gold can be used to enhance stats and gain access to better abilities.

The camera view in SMITE is in third person view. You move your character on the map by using WASD keys and keys 1 to 4 to activate and use your abilities. A unique aspect in SMITE is the skillshot feature. That means that all your offensive actions require targeting and manually aim in order to hit your enemies. Camera view options are both a blessing and a curse in SMITE. If you set your view in a lower camera angle you’ll be having a blind spot allowing enemies to surprise attack you but instead you can apply the same tactic to them. It’s all about strategy and timing. New players will be glad to find out that SMITE is not very fast paced and you actually get to see what’s going on. On the other hand for a veteran player it may seem a bit slow. The rather slow pace is given by spell and abilities animations.

It’s clear that SMITE is an online RPG designed for the starting MOBA player and not that much for veterans of this genre. SMITE items have three upgrade levels and there is no choice to combine lesser items into a powerful one. Another nice feature for new players is the auto leveling and itemization system.

Players are presented with the choice of leaving the stat building and gearing process to the game. When your SMITE account gains levels you will spend less time in match queues.

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